How Quantum Computing Could Affect the Supply Chain in the Next 10 Years

October 29, 2024

Quantum computing is the next big thing coming in technology innovation. Already China is using it to hack into some U.S. systems. The U.S. is quickly looking into how we develop our own quantum computing technology and network. Among many industries and sectors, it’s already being talked about how it could radically transform the supply chain industry. As a 3PL provider, we’re anxiously watching how innovations like these could make us more efficient to better serve our customers. 

At an event with the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce a week ago, the Chattanooga Quantum Collaborative and Qubitekk, Inc. were joined with Oak Ridge National Laboratory to talk about the next big thing after AI, which is quantum computing. 

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is already home to one of the world’s largest supercomputers, but they’re honing in on their next acquisition: a quantum computing machine. 

Experts stated that there is the potential to realize $1-$2 trillion dollars within the next 10 years if an industry can capitalize on the benefits and innovations quantum computing could provide. 

How This Affects the Supply Chain Industry

Imagine how a quantum computer could analyze 50 truck routes for a UPS driver at the click of one button. It would search all the possible routes at one time, and it would report back with the route that is the most efficient and optimized for the route that driver needs to take. 

Can you imagine the efficiency this would drive for businesses like ours? 

We’re Keeping Up, So You Don’t Have To

Here at R&S, we’re keeping up with today’s most relevant trends and innovations that can affect, disrupt, or change the supply chain industry. We’re keeping up with what’s going on, so you don’t have to. It keeps us informed on how we can innovate and become more efficient alongside our customers like you. Want to hear more about these updates?

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We partnered with this Canadian based company to help them expand to the U.S. market for their unique, oblong window parts. 

After vetting several different 3PLs, they chose us, and we’ve been grateful to be a long-term partner with them.